This website provides you with details about my personal and professional life and includes articles I’ve written on topics I’ve found of interest. Hope you enjoy.
my blog
In my blog I write about different topics I find interesting and try to provide my own useful perspective. I hope you enjoy.
How to be the Richest Person in the World
Andrew Carnegie, the Scottish-American business tycoon, was arguably the richest American in history. In 1901, when he sold his company, U.S. Steel, to JP Morgan, Carnegie possessed about $370 billion in economic wealth, in today’s dollars. Reading the book,...
Classic Rules for ‘New School’ Marketing
If you are working to grow your business, you are likely using direct marketing. Your direct marketing efforts may include the Internet (online); telemarketing; direct mail; or even direct response. As you know, the Internet has dramatically changed the landscape of...
Start With Nothing
Last year a large public university near where I reside appointed a new Dean of the Business School. In a newspaper article he stated that he would be evaluating an area of focus for the business school – a way to distinguish the school. I wrote him an...